About Us

About Us

Quality, Professionalism, Integrity

Spray-Patch Road Repair, LLC. aims to provide every customer with an economical alternative to repaving their distressed pavement.  We provide a unique product for extending the life of your pavement and a more durable repair product than standard cold or hot patching.  We work with many municipal cities and counties in Southeast Michigan to fix the roads and provide a safer driving environment for the citizens of our great state.  

The best customer service is our goal every day.  Our crews are experienced, professional, courteous and  efficient.  We are committed to installing a long lasting repair and completing the job on time and within budget.

For over fifteen years we have worked hard to fix Michigan's roads and crumbling infrastructure, while helping our customers save money and save their pavement.  

Our machinery is proprietary equipment manufactured by us to be the most efficient way of applying a spray injection asphalt patch.  Spray Injection has been studied and found to be more economical and longer lasting way to repair distressed pavement.  We are constantly looking at and implementing new products and equipment in the industry to make sure we are on the leading edge of pavement maintenance.

We look forward to talking with you and helping you with your project.

Meet Our Team


Distressed pavement causes unsafe driving and walking environments for everyone.  Repairs made with Spray Patch are more durable.

Expert Team

Your project will be handled by experts every time. We make sure you have the most experienced professionals working for you. 

Quality Guaranteed

You’ll find the support you need to ensure that things runs smoothly. We’re here to help you with any questions.
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